Explore Health Professions
Learn more about these health careers, the preparation you can do while you're an undergrad if you want to pursue them, and application tips for professional school programs in each profession. Which one is the right path for you?

An M.D. or D.O. can work in general practice or specialty medicine, in a hospital or outpatient clinic, in solo or group practice, with patients of many age ranges and medical needs in a multitude of diverse settings.

Dentistry is the branch of the healing arts and sciences devoted to maintaining oral health.

Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapists treat patients who have injuries, illnesses, or disabilities through the therapeutic use of everyday activities.

Nursing is a great health career for students looking for direct patient care, who also educate and advocate for their patients.

Audiologists diagnose, treat and help patients manage disorders of the auditory and balance systems.

Speech-Language Pathology
Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) diagnose and treat individuals of all ages with speech, language and swallowing disorders.

Physician Assistant/Associate
Also called PAs, these licensed and certified medical professionals can see patients, diagnose and treat injuries and illnesses, and prescribe medications.

Doctors of Optometry (ODs) are independent primary health care professionals for the eyes.

Pharmacists are medication experts who prepare and dispense prescriptions, ensure medicines and doses are correct, prevent harmful drug interactions, and counsel patients.

Physical Therapy
Physical Therapists (PTs) provide therapy to patients to improve mobility, relieve pain, and prevent or limit physical disabilities resulting from injuries or disease.

Chiropractors diagnose and treat patients whose health problems are associated with the body’s muscular, nervous, and skeletal systems.

Athletic Training
Athletic trainers (ATs) are unique health care providers and an essential member of any team for the prevention of injury and illness, as well as diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of emergency, acute or chronic injuries and medical conditions, and general health, fitness, and well-being.

Veterinary Medicine
Veterinarians are healthcare professionals who diagnose, treat or research medical conditions and diseases of pets and livestock, as well as animals in zoos, ranches, farms, racetracks and laboratories.

Public Health
Public health professionals analyze and develop programs that protect the health of individuals, families and communities through education, research, and promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Podiatrists focus on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of foot disorders resulting from injury or disease.